Tuesday, November 18, 2008


What a week. Sorry I haven't posted much since last week but we all know how difficult this time period has been.

My Uncle David is doing better. He will probably head home either tomorrow or Wednesday. We have to wait the 24 hours after he eats "real" solids to know if the bleed has stopped or not. But he is on the fast track of recovery.

Billy isnt doing to much better. He is more alert now. He seems to respond when we talk to him, and he moves his eyes to look at people. He still has a high fever, and they have him on a cooling blanket. He is breathing on his own, without the help of the respiratory. They are leaving the tube in to help protect his air passages. That way if they have to put it back in, it wouldn't cause more damage. We are seeing improvements but the doctors dont see them. In fact the doctors say there has been no change. We, the family, just don't see that. For those of us that have seen him daily since last week, we have noticed the little changes. We have seen the steps in the right direction he seems to be taking.

We just ask for your continuous prayers. The only way this situation can be rectified is through the hands of God.

1 comment:

The Jones Chronicles said...

We're praying for all of you guys! Thanks for the update!